Saturday 18 September 2010

The Bourne Supremacy chase

The Bourne Supremacy - Berlin Foot Chase

I have looked at the film ‘The Bourne Supremacy’ for inspiration for a chase to include into my film opening. The clip that I have chosen is a very good example of a chase, this is because it is action packed and thrills the audience. This chase starts off with Jason Bourne in a dark room looking at a mirror, then the phone rings and there is a shot of armed police officers running up the stairs, after that the next shot is of Jason’s view through a spy whole in the door and the police are running by, then there is a shot of the police stopping outside the door Jason is in and they the breach the door looking for Jason (this starts the chase, next the audience see Jason climbing up the drain pipes onto the roof, then there is another shot of the police looking for him, then they breach other doors, after that Jason runs up some stairs in the roof of the building and runs along the roof, next there is a shot of a 4X4 pulling up and the passenger gets out and works through the crowd, and then the audience see Jason walking through the streets and crowds... then he is at a subway running away and the final part of the chase is when he jumps off of a bridge onto a boat and then gets back onto the train. I may decide to use some of the ideas that have been used in this chase for my opening scene of the film.

Friday 17 September 2010

Casino Royale opening fight scene

I have looked at the film ‘Casino Royale’ as the opening scene in this film is very interesting and it caught my eye, this is because of the editing and the camera work. This scene is in black and white and this could be showing a memory or something that has happened in the past. In this clip there is a deleted scene and it is at a cricket ground and then there is a chase (the deleted scene ends at the point when James Bond and fights the other man). I chose this clip because of the deleted scene chase and the opening, it starts off with a person walking into his office where James Bond is waiting for him and then James tells the man how one of his special agents has died, then there is a deleted scene and i really like the techniques that are used in this scene, the deleted scene starts off with a man who spots James Bond and runs away constantly looking behind and then James Bond casually appears, then there is a fighting scene and it refers back to in the office... then James bond kills the man in the office and that is the end of the opening scene. I may use some of these techniques in my film because I like the ideas that have been used in this opening scene.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

The Dark Night bank robbery scene.

YouTube link

I have began to look into this clip of ‘The Dark Knight’ because it i think that there are a few interesting ideas such as: all of the bank robbers are wearing clown masks and they are all different, they are all wearing the same clothing, they all don’t trust each other and they also want more of the money, they are after money and the robbery is all planed. Then near the end one of the characters reveal their identity (The Joker), this is a good example of an enigma code and also makes the audience want to carry on watching the film. This is a perfect example of a film opening and I may use some of these ideas later on when I am making my film.

What I found inspiring

I have collected the clip from the dark knight off of YouTube and I have been studying the contents of this clip. In this clip I have found a few things very interesting and they have all inspired me, the first thing that inspired me was looking at the clothing of all the bank robbers were wearing and I like the idea of matching clothing and then having different clown masks, the next thing that inspired me Was that all of the bank robbers were killing each other off (possibly so they get a bigger share of the money), I also liked the idea of some of the employees at the bank fighting back and finally at the end of the clip there is a school bus that appears and the joker then puts all of the money on the bus and drives off, then there is an image of about several busses driving along (this is the perfect get away).

Sunday 12 September 2010

decision on the storyboard for my film

after viewing all of the different genres that are in films i have also made a decision on what i want the storyline to be like and this is to be similar to the hot fuzz film and irobot film as they both involve police officers and they both involve chasing and they are of a similar genre....

so i will start looking into chase scenes from films

genre that i have decided to use

i have now researched into some of the many different genres that there are in films and from this i have decided to choose the genre of action and thriller, this is because these two genres make my favourite type of film and this will reflect on the quality of my film.

Friday 10 September 2010

a look into irobot

this film is a futuristic si-fi action adventure based all on robots

here is a clip from the film:

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Monday 6 September 2010

a look into pearl harbour

this film is a historical event, based on a true story and it is also an action genre. it is also a homage to all of the soldiers that lost their lives at pearl harbour

here is a clip from the film

Saturday 4 September 2010

a look into shrek

the film is a comedy, adventure animation about an ogre who is on a quest to get his swamp back

here is a scene from the film:

a look into wild hogs

this films genre is mainly a comedy, but it could also be classed as an adventure as the film is about four mates going on a bike trip.

here is a bit from the film:

Friday 3 September 2010

a look into spiderman 2

the genre of spiderman is a cross between super hero, action and adventure (this makes it a hybrid genre)

here is a clip from the film:

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Decision on what media I will perform.

After thinking about either doing a film or a magazine, I have decided to create a short film opening scene as this appeals to me more than a magazine.

I will be researching and planning on what genre, storyline, music and plot to use in my film opening and this will be achieved by looking at existing texts.

what genre i will be making the opening for...

there are many different kings of genres that are in the films, so to solve what genre of film that i will be making an opening for, i will be looking into some of the different genres of films, this may also include hybrid genres