Thursday 16 December 2010

ident idea1

this ident has a simple design to it but it looks god and professional, i may use this design in my film opening.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

possible props that i will use in my film

this might be used by the robber who is being chased by the undercover police officer
this might be used by the criminal kidnapper
this might be worn by the criminal kidnapper to hide their identity

this might be used by the undercover police officer

Sunday 12 December 2010

names for the characters in the film

Rhys = John Castelbury
Damon = Danny Hudson
Joe = Jason Fleymin

decision on film title

i have decided to go with Geisel, this is because the meaning of it fits in with what the storyline is all about in the film and it sounds catchy. because of these reasons i have decided to us Geisel as my film title.

Friday 10 December 2010

title ideas for film

  • Back with a vengeance
  • Betrayal
  • The missing
  • The inspector
  • Geisel
  • Taken
  • Genommen

These are just a few of many ideas for a name of my film, I have looked at some of the names in different languages e.g. Geisel is German for hostage. Some of these named titles may not work once I have applied them with the opening scene so I will be making my title a working progress, I will test all of the different possibilities for the title and I will also test them.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Tuesday 7 December 2010

possible clothing for the actors

I have thought about the costumes that will be used in my film opening scene and I have decided to fit them in with the urban surrounding and also the different styles of clothing that people wear now a days. I have been looking on the internet and in stores for some ideas of clothing that can be worn by my actors and I have decided on a black coat with a black jumper and a blue t-shirt, with dark denim jeans and black shoes for the actor that is chasing and for the actor that is running away I have decided to use a black hoodie with a white football t-shirt and a dark pair of denim jeans and the shoes will be white.

Example of clothing for the chaser:

Example of clothing for the runner:

Monday 6 December 2010

decision on characters for my film opening

i have decided to use Damon Coates as the undercover police officer, Rhys Withers will be the bank robber and Joe Greenhill will be the criminal kidnapper that holds the police officer as a prisoner

a look into possible characters

1. This is Rhys Withers I have considered to use Rhys as a character in my film opening scene, this is because I think he will best suit the role of the robber… I will then base all of the costumes and the clothes around the character in the film to make Rhys suit the role even better.

2. This is Damon Coates I have considered to use Damon as a character in my opening scene, this is because I think he will best suit the role of the undercover police officer… I will then base all of the costumes and the clothes around the character in the film to make Damon suit the role even better.

3. This is Nick Emmerson I have considered to use Nick as a character in my opening scene, this is because I think he will best suit the role of the undercover police officer… I will then base all of the costumes and the clothes around the character in the film to make Nick suit the role even better.

4. This is Joe Greenhill I have considered to use Joe as a character in my opening scene, this is because I think he will best suit the role of a criminal that kidnaps the undercover police officer… I will then base all of the costumes and the clothes around the character in the film to make Joe suit the role even better.

5. This is myself I have considered to use me as a character in my film opening scene, this is because I think I will best suit the role of the robber… I will then base all of the costumes and the clothes around the character in the film to make me suit the role even better.

6. This is Tom King I have considered to use Tom as a character in my opening scene, this is because I think he will best suit the role of the undercover police officer… I will then base all of the costumes and the clothes around the character in the film to make Tom suit the role even better.

Saturday 4 December 2010

location decision

for the location of my film opening sequence i have decided to go with Croft and have the chase around Bala Road, this is because it is a built up side street area and I will have no problems getting there also the actors will have no problems getting there.

Friday 3 December 2010

a look into montage - Scarface

here is a montage of the film Scarface and a montage is a series of events that have happened in the film, in this montage it is all of the main events from the killing and shooting guns. this is a good way of showing a story line in seconds.

I may consider using a montage for the flash back that i have planned for in my film opening as it will show the audience all of the key points in the opening sequence giving hints to the rest of the story.

Thursday 2 December 2010

a look into film flash backs - walking distance

in this film walking distance there is a flachback at around the time of 1:18 in the YouTube clip, after looking at this clip i have realises that the special effects that are used in the flashback, start off with a white flash and then there is an effect that give the clip an aged effect (in this clip it is sepia) and then at the end there is another flashback to finish the sequence, but this is in the current time (the present)

i will conciser using this technique in my film opening.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

a look into chase scene editing

in this chase scene the editing that has been used is fast paced in most parts and the most frequent type of camera shot is a pan of the people running by and this also shows how fast they are running. here is the clip: