Monday 7 March 2011

evaluation question 7. Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression fro

At the beginning of the media studies year i was set the task to create a preliminary film for continuity and this storyline was to have a shot of someone opening a door and then jump cutting to them on the other side, then we had to use the 180 degree rule to have a conversation. When i created this video my continuity editing skills were not very good at all, this was because i started to use the software called iMovie and this was on the schools eMacs. This was the first time i had ever used a Mac operating system and it affected the way in which i edited as the layout of the desktop was different to windows and the software (iMovie) followed a similar layout to the desktop so it was confusing. Another factor that affected my editing was that there were only 5 Macs in the school so i had a limited time on them and this made me rush the editing process of the preliminary.

After experiencing editing on the Macs at school i decided to use some software of my own as this would enable me to edit when ever and where ever i wanted to and i would always be able to edit due to there not being anyone using my laptop. For the first draft i used all of the basic editing tools and kept it simple, this was because i used the draft to get used to some of the editing elements that are in SONY Vegas Pro, then i practiced in my own time some of the more complex editing such as transitions and effects to the sound and video.

I then started to edit my first draft to complete the final version of my film and in this section i used some of the transitions that were in Vegas Pro, the special effects, titles scrolling past the screen and i changed the volume output for all of the sounds e.g. the music and the footsteps running.

When i did the preliminary task there were lots of continuity errors, but in my final opening scene there are barely any continuity errors and this is because i have had lots more time to perfect the continuity and review the film to make sure that the continuity was good. In the filming of the final draft i made sure that none of my equipment was in the shot and that no one would get in the way of the shot, i did this by planning out what i would be doing and if any of my equipment got in the way i would simply move it, to make sure that no one walked into my shot i checked around the area for anyone walking and then waited for them to pass if people were walking by.

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