Monday 15 November 2010

analysis of Beverly Hills cop III - chase

the car chase scene is form Beverly Hills cop III and this is an action packed thrill ride that raises the audiences excitement and thrill of the film... this chase scene is most typical of the modern day chase scene as it involves a bad guy running away and then a good guy chasing them, also the chase is in motor vehicles with the bad guys in a truck full of stolen money and the good guy in another persons sports car, this is also very typical of a motor chase as the audience fantasises that they are the good guy driving the sports car. this scene is near the beginning of the film and there is a good establishing shot of the area before the chase happens. this film has met lots of the conventions that apply to chases in films and they are:

1. the bad guys always get a head start and they run off smashing anything in the way therefore clearing the path for the good guy, this is shown in the clip underneath
2. the good guy notices the bad guys are getting away at speed and jumps in a sports car to chase them, this is shown in the clip underneath

3. the good guy starts to shoot the bad guys car in front and then the bad guys leader tells the henchmen to return fire, this is shown in the clip bellow

4. the good guy gets stuck in a difficult situation and is getting hammered by the bad guys (the bad guys are winning) this is shown in the clip bellow

5. the good guy pulls it together and starts to strike back, almost killing or killing one of the bad guys

6. then the chase picks up to a more faster pace and the good guy is closing in, this is showin in the clip below

7.there are then some bad guys waiting around the corner to end the chase and the bad guys get away, this is shown in the clip below

8. then the whole of the story is based on the bad guys from this chase.

all of these are conventions for a good chase scene, but there are more depending on the type of chase. when i am planning my film opening chase i will consider all of these conventions to make my chase as good as it can be

also the music that is used in the film chase is deliberately incorrect as the typical music for a chase scene uses heavy beats and there is no singing, i think that the makers of this film used incorrect music to fit in with the comedy side of this film as part of the genre of Beverly Hills cops is comedy, but the main genre is action so there are only some hints as to it being a comedy such as this music track.

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