Tuesday 16 November 2010

analysis of The League Of Extraordinary Gentleman

the chase scene for Mr. Hyde in the film The League Of Extraordinary Gentleman is full of excitement and it also keeps the audience on the end of their seats. the chase in this film is different to what Beverly hills cop has, because in this chase scene they are hunting/capturing Mr.Hyde, not trying to stop him. because this chase scene is different to the scene in Beverly Hills cops, the conventions will be slightly different too as the chase is of a different kind. here are all of the conventions that this chase meets:

1. the chase starts off with a piece of text telling the audience where the chase is taking place

2. the person running away/being chased is shown first in the sequence

3. there is an establishing shot showing an iconic and famous structure to give away the location of the chase (The Ieffel tower)

4. the chase begins and the trap starts to kick into action.

5. the plan has a stick/difficult situation (not going to plan)

6. the plan is pulled back and the hunt/chase continues

7.the person being chased fights back and the chase stops for a brief second

8. the chase stops and the person being chased is captured

some of the sounds that have been used in the scene have been enhanced to show a dramatic effect, such as Mr. Hydes foot steps and the debris form where the bullets hit

1. this is the enhancement of the foot steps:

2. here is the enhancement of the debris and the bullets hitting the walls:

the music that has been used in this chase scene is typical of a chase scene as it has a high and deep beat to it raising tension in the audience and increasing the excitement. i will consider using some of these conventions and plots that have been used in this film chase and apply them to my film.

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